Puddys World Botmaker v 6.3
(_____ \ | | | |
_____) )_ _ _ | | _ | | _ _
| ____/| | | | / || | / || || | | |
| | | |_| |( (_| |( (_| || |_| |
|_| \____| \____| \____| \__ |
- v 4.x now fixed on new servers.
- v 5.x major update including proxy support.
- V 6.X removed need for runtime installer, updates no longer auto, unpatched 3.1.09
- Puddys-World Botmaker is now updated to improve speed.
- This is the fastest botmaker you will find.
- Props to m0j0j0j0 for his code to randomize the user info.
Tips: Puddys World Botmaker v 6.3
- If the server is apparently lagging change the server from the server dropdown box then click in the name box then click start
- When using proxy if it is apparently lagging, remove it by double clicking it then press Start
- For maximum bot life choose random name, pass and info