Monday, June 29, 2009

YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker Version 2.3.0

YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker Version 2.3.0

YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker is a program designed to quickly and efficiently create Yahoo! accounts. The accounts created by YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker can be used for any of the Yahoo! services such as Yahoo! Mail or Yahoo! Instant Messenger (Y!M). YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker mimics a web browser by requesting the same pages the browser would during a normal account sign-up process ( YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker then displays the information in a more friendly Windows application and solicits a response from the user for the appropriate information to create an account. YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker also has the ability to automatically fill in the requested account information with pre-generated or automated data. As a method to create even more accounts, manual proxy and proxy list support is included. by


- Ads.dll

- ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll

- YCC List Control.dll

- HTTPHelper.dll

- bots.txt

- US_Zip_Codes.txt

- YCC Yahoo Bot_Maker License Agreement.txt

- YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker.exe.config

- User Dictionary.txt

- YCC_Yahoo_Bot_Maker_Change_Log.txt

- YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker Help.doc

- YCC Yahoo! Bot Maker.exe